Tough Tinnies and Terrain Case Study
Bylaser boosts our productivity by 20%
Tough Tinnies & Terrain is a proud Brisbane manufacturer of custom ute trays, canopies and boat modifications.
Tough Tinnies had historically hand cut and notched the metal parts used in their products. This physically demanding process would take approximately 8 to 10 hours to produce the necessary components.
The Challenge
With demand for their custom builds increasing and management adopting a strategy to manufacture an off-the-shelf range of tray and canopy designs, Tough Tinnies found their traditional method of operating was hampering their growth.
Management were also concerned with the occupational health and safety issues associated with the manual handling of the alloy sheets. In particular, the fine alloy dust created from the cutting and grinding process required Tough Tinnies staff to wear breathing apparatus.
The Solution
Bylaser approached Tough Tinnies to laser cut the components required for their trays and canopies.
After satisfying themselves as to the quality and service provided by Bylaser, Tough Tinnies have now outsourced their metal cutting requirements to Bylaser.
Any hand drawn custom build designs are sent directly to Bylaser’s experienced design team, where they are expertly converted into a two dimensional image using CAD software.
The design is then nested for cutting by one of Bylaser’s precision lasers, with their dust extraction efficiently dealing with any by-product produced through the process.
The Result
The significant time saving became immediately apparent, with the laser taking one hour to cut and notch parts for a design, compared to the 8 to 10 hours it could take by hand.
According to Josh Bowell, Tough Tinnies’ Managing Director:
“By having all parts laser cut, we were saving eight hours on a build, which meant we could do an extra canopy a week.”
The relationship between the two businesses has also developed to a stage where Bylaser is to be provided with the design and parts for Tough Tinnies’ new off-the-shelf range of trays and canopies for Landcruisers, Ford Rangers and Dodge Rams.
“Bylaser will have the designs and parts in their system. This will mean quick turnaround times. We’ll be able to build faster and get the product out to market at more competitive prices.”